Happy Wawa Day - Free Coffee...and a Secret Menu?

Wawa has been around for 54 years today.  So, apparently they are celebrating with free coffee all day today (April 12th).  Of course I went for the 24 ounce (the largest) when I visited the Riviera Beach Wawa on the way to work.  

Hard to believe it's been 54 years.  As a kid growing up in Philadelphia, we had a Wawa within walking distance of the house.  Back then they were just dinky corner convenience stores.  Nothing like the brightly lit, spacious stores we see here in Florida today.  That's a whole new Wawa.  Still, it was always good to go in and grab a soda with the gang...oh, and of course, some Tastykakes!  

Now to the secret menu!  Watch the video below to find out how to unlock the secret menu at Wawa, which according to sources, will be available through May 6th.  

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